I am an incorrigible beauty collector.
That's why I love the internet so much. I take all these trinkets of inspiration and spread them out on this website just like I used to do with magazine clippings across the floor when I made collages with my sister.
Art, expression and dance are where I find joy and peace. And trust me, that is saying something because I am not a peaceful person at all. I am anxious and prone to depression - but sometimes I think that's just called 'being in your twenties."
If you have ever felt like the weird one out, the one who no one understands when you are joking (which is practically all the time), the one who is almost brought to tears by a painting or a song - then we may be kindred spirits. Let's hang out. On the internet.
I am so grateful when people appreciate what I put out there.
Thank you so, so much for reading and I hope that you will stay with me on this journey.
How can I reach you?That's why I love the internet so much. I take all these trinkets of inspiration and spread them out on this website just like I used to do with magazine clippings across the floor when I made collages with my sister.
If you have ever felt like the weird one out, the one who no one understands when you are joking (which is practically all the time), the one who is almost brought to tears by a painting or a song - then we may be kindred spirits. Let's hang out. On the internet.
Thank you so, so much for reading and I hope that you will stay with me on this journey.
Do you make your own hoops?
Why, yes I do. I also sell them locally in the DC/MD/VA area. If you want to check 'em out go to the store site kymspins.com
Yes! Talk to me! Send me things. Or just say hi @kymspinshoops@gmail.com.
How long have you been hooping?
I have been hooping for about 3 years now and I never plan on stopping!
Do you teach classes?
Why yes I do.
Tuesday 11am-12pm The Pilates Room, Mclean Va
& Tuesday 7:35-8:35pm Body Dynamics Inc. Arlington, Va.
Do you do children's birthday parties?
No. Sorry dudes. The kiddies are cute, but just a bit too much for me.
Do you do private events?
Yes! I LOVE doing parties, BBQ's, bachelorette shindigs, weddings and anything else you can come up with! The hoops are always a hit and it's a total blast. Please email me at kymspinshoops@gmail.com for more info and details.
How do you take your pictures?
Everything that is a picture of me is self-shot. I am a big fan of the timer. Haha. Trust me, I could fill volumes with all the terrible pictures it takes to get a few good ones.
Can I use one of your pictures for my blog, website to submit to FYH etc.,
Uhm YES! Please do - spread the love. Please include a link back here and it will be all gravy.
and, of course, like me on Facebook.