Friday, March 25, 2011

Where Do I Go Next? 5 Tricks to Add to Your Practice After Mastering Waist Hooping

By the time you have become a seasoned hooper, you are used to exploring the troves of YouTube to find the best new tutorials for hoop tricks. But, I remember in the beginning I had no idea what to look for, which tutorials were good or even where I should go next after getting my waist hooping down. If that sounds familiar these five videos may help. They break down some great beginner/intermediate moves in easy to understand, well explained tutorials. If you have been wondering about the next step - these are great moves to practice over the weekend.

Waist to Lasso

Hooping at the Knees

Bringing the Hoop from the Waist to the Chest

Hooping at the Chest

Off the Body: The Helicopter

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