It is so great to look back on all the hoop memories. You know how when you see current pictures of yourself you are more inclined to hate them - but pictures you 'hated' from a few years ago don't really look bad? I'm finding that age has tempered my perspective with these old hoop shots and videos as well. And it is so fun to trace my hoop history with all of these.
The college years. If you've ever heard me talk about that 'big, clunky, yellow hoop with no grip tape" with which I FIRST learned - this is it. Also note the AMAZING astro turf floor - hand made. (and that I am also trying to skip-it)
After moving to Virginia. This is when I started hooping again! I had stopped completely for about 3 months after I moved from Florida to Virgina after school ended but all that changed after I ordered this pink Hoopnotica hoop.
My first 'hoop business.' I thought that maybe a dozen or so folks would buy a hoop and that would be that. haha! I am so glad that turned out to be wrong!
I loved this little gold hoop. It was the first time I had made and used a smaller hoop size. Unfortunately, it was stolen at an event so I am so happy that I have pics of it!
Some I haven't looked at since I shot them for fear of the cringe worthy moves I might see. But, just as before, nothing looks like I thought it would. All I see is someone who is trying something new and giving it her all. It's an awesome tool for tracking progress, and it reminds me to go easy on all the little things that bother me about my practice now. |
First festival I attended to which I brought hoops!
All Points West - apparently the one and only year they had it. |
New house, new hoops. I put off buying ANY furniture for
at least 6 months so I could have more hoop room.
I also really love seeing the bunches of hoops that I have made over the years and completely forgotten about. Do you get attached to hoops? I usually give away or sell all my hoops and then make more. Other than my stolen gold hoop, LED and poly pro I don't ever get particularly attached to a hoop. It's a cycle. But it's great to see old favorites. I have pics of my very first hoop order!
Over the years the people, places, and types of events change - my my hoop is always there to make an appearance. There is something comforting about that. |
Learning to juggle |
I was house/dog sitting at the time. I remember this being one of
the first times that I really felt comfortable hooping around someone
I knew. It's when I felt like I was coming in to my own as a hooper |
first day with LED!
Now. Poly pro in the backyard.
Welp, my legs are tired after such a long stroll down memory lane. It's fun though - seeing where you came from. Somehow it makes wondering where you are going less scary.
this makes me sooo happy :)
hehehe thank yoooou! It's a really fun little project too! I had to find SOME way of making photo back up enjoyable
Great post, Kym! I enjoyed seeing your growth as a hooper. :)
Like you, I've gone polypro, and except for my LED (HDPE), I won't use anything else now. The difference it's made in my hoopdance style - and level of bruising! - is worth the extra cost.
Of course, that means I have a rack full of hoops gathering dust now. Maybe if a bunch of people show up at the jam Saturday and are interested, I can unload a few. ;)
What an inspiring post. One of my top favourites of yours. It makes me want to take more pictures of myself hooping. I'm okay at video progress, but never take pictures! I would love to look back and see me with my first giant hoop and t-rex arms.
Shekinah, you should go for it! Seriously, the great thing about pictures is that they can sum so much info up in just one lil' snap shot. Having these memories is such a gift for me - even if it sorta kills my computer (haha.) (YES! The t-rex giant hoop phase! Nyaww.)
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