Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A Journey In Teal

You know, after taking so, so many pictures today I still don't feel like I captured what my hair looks like. But - oh my, my do I LOVE it. I feel like myself again after my 2 year hiatus from hair dye, and at least 4 years away from anything remotely unnatural. It was a long journey of applying, drying and reapplying and yes indeed it was worth it. I may do a bit more tomorrow to darken it a bit, but overall I'm calling this one a success. Now visions of pink and purple dance in my mind. 

I am so thrilled that I could do this before hoop path. An event for which I completely neglected to pack as I was dying hair and listening to the (absolutely fabulous) Michael Jackson station on Pandora. Goal for tomorrow, pack first... everything else... secondary. 


Spooky said...

ps. i didn't mean to look so mopey in these... hrm. mah hair makes me happy not mopey!

claudiahays said...

flipping gorgeous, beautiful girl! I love the contrast of the teal against your blonde hair and fair skin <3

can't wait to see the teal in person XD

I want us to re-dye your hair so many times that your hair shines bright like candy this weekend. you in?

Jennifer Cowham said...

sahweeet do!! i am loving all of your photos, too... they just keep getting better and better.

Spooky said...

@claudia - HELLS YES! I am disregarding what I wrote and doing another layer of color as we speak and YES I want candy hair!!!
@Penrock - thank you - and fer reals... I blush when you give me picture compliments :D hehe