Tuesday, June 21, 2011

My Hair Dye Came

Awwww yeaaaah people. In time for Hoop Path too! Now that's what I like. I am a notorious "gister" as in, I rarely read, consult nor follow directions of any sort - which is why I am a terrible baker and thought that the left lane on the road was 'the fast lane' for so many years. (I've learned.) 

But, since this whole hair thing is going to be a public spectacle I thought I would look something up. This seems like a pretty good (wordless) tutorial: 

Welp, I am pretty stoked. Do I really have to get my hair wet first? Okay. Okay. I'll follow the directions. Phhhft. I'm sure pictures shall follow.


claudiahays said...

pictures yet? I really do demand pictures.

right. now.

Spooky said...

peektures will be happening oh-so soon!!!!! YAY!