Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Face in the Crowd

I love how in the zone she seems despite being squeezed into such a tight crowd.
(And with umbrella shaped obstacles every which way.) But that's what hooping does, right? 
Let's us escape.

That is what I am hoping that today's session will do. I feel like I have an endless number of things to accomplish today as I get ready for my move, travelling to Florida tomorrow and other little random daily nonsense - BUT - I am sticking to my daily hoop goal (despite it feeling like another thing on the list at the moment) and hoping it will bring the energy lift it usually does. 



claudiahays said...

we need to go to a music fest and hoop constantly together one day. deal?

Spooky said...

super uber absolutely - deal! wow... that would be a dream. Okay... ready for suggestions :)