Monday, July 18, 2011

When Everything Else is Gone. You Still Have Me

As strange as it may be to the non hooper crew out there - this really is how I feel about my hoop. I was chatting with twirlingflutterby while we were in North Carolina and we both agreed that no matter what happened, as long as we could still hoop we could make it through. So, barring a paralyzing accident - I should be a-okay.

I remember when I first moved to Virgina, when I had nothing. Absolutely no one knew me, I had no family, no friends, no job lined up and nowhere to live. It didn't seem as scary as it sounds now that I am looking back on it and I always assumed that everything would fall into place with enough work. Even though I was hopeful, it was certainly a lonely time. 

Coming home and hooping was what really kept me sane. 
It gave me a place to put energy and something 
to look forward to each day. Ah, thank you, thank you hoop. 

What I didn't realize over the past few months was how attached I was becoming to one hoop specifically. Ah yes, it was my lil' 30" polypro that replaced all others. Sadly, it split on the train ride up to hoop fest and the 34" I had to buy to replace it is lovely - but not the same. 

I am looking forward to my 29" sanded ploypro fer the birthday to truly get back into the swing of things. 


Shannon said...

I totally get what you are saying. I'm not addicted to one hoop but any hoop. I was talking to myself while mental-writing my next blog and I was tearing up from the idea of not hooping or something to that degree.

claudiahays said...

soes the 29" is the size you want? lemme know logistics soon so I can get your hoop to you !! <3

Spooky said...

YAYYYYY!! yes please and thank you (oh SO much!) that would be Perfection !