Monday, April 4, 2011

NYC Adventures and Hoops

Amazing New York weekend. Attended a pillow fight with thousands of others and left smiling and covered in feathers. With the predicted snow and limited apartment space, I left my hoops here before leaving on Friday. I should have known better! We ended up buying kid's hoops at CVS and jamming out at the park. Many young friends congregated as well - we even got a better review than a clown who was there earlier for a child's birthday. A young girl said, "you guys are better than the clown. He was just here to make money." I think she was no older than 6. I liked her.

The directions are from one of the wave hoops that we purchased - the ones filled with water. They say it makes it easier to hoop with, but I must disagree. Just me? 

Wonderful hoopventures in NYC. 


Happy and House Poor said...

NYC pillow fight-LOVE IT!!!!! and
how can you not love a 6 yr old's perspective! welcome back.

- C. said...

looks like SUCH a blast! wish i hadn't missed ya!