Saturday, April 2, 2011

Weekend Review 4/2/11

Look, I'm not asking that much. I just want to be a kick-ass breakdancer who can do the worm like nobody's bidness...

The haters. They will hate. And to them you must say: pfffffhhhhtttt whaaatever.

Let's read some HILARIOUSLY BAD choreography tips. [warning: these dance move could hurt you]

Every night for a week I didn't allow myself internet privileges. did that work out? 

I completely forgot how to be a real person. When did I turn into Madonna? I can't do anything unless it's for an audience now? 

Day THIRTY of the Hoop Challenge is complete! Just like the first day of school or graduation, this is an event that calls for picture time!

Let's highlight an actually helpful guide for adding intention into your hoop dance. This great isolation sequence tutorial is the type of choreography I can get behind.

30 Day Hoop Challenge - pros, cons, what I liked and what I would change. Reflections on an awesome month.

Did you ever think you would want a rainbow striped hooded cloak? Nope? Me neither. I was wrong.

Check out all the awesome new ways you can see this (and many other) blog(s)! It's pretty cool, dudes.

If it can't be warm, at least I can fake it in this new AMAZING floral skirt! (That was totally FREE!)

Oooooh Wee! The drama is a-starting around Hooping Idol. 
Here are my thoughts around the event- the good, the bad, the a-paula-ing.

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