Saturday, June 18, 2011

Weekend Review

I post lots of hoop pictures, but this is the only one that's made me think about permanently changing my body. 

My new favorite hoop quote actually ended up being in the comments...

 Lace, sunshine, pool side hooping and a helpful octopus make for dream like weekends. 

You know how during a really big party you can sometimes feel really glamourous and cool, only to see the pictures the next day and realize you actually had permanent lazy eye and an oddly shiny face? Caesar Sebastian captures how we all wish we looked the night before. 

HOOP RUT FINALLY BROKEN! These new practice ideas definitely made a difference. And here is the video result. 

A silver scarf from India serves as the inspiration (and material) for a new hoop dress and braided headpiece. Can't sew? Phhhhfffft, shall not stop me when dangerous levels of boredom and creativity happen at the same time. 

Spin until you feel better. Spin until you can't think and by the end you realize you are smiling.

Hey, Zooey... cool hoop! (actually it's clearly one of those $5 ones... but, it's still cool.)

This girl is absolutely beautiful and she has the hoop skills to match. 

I light my clothes on fire and call it art. Or something like that. (Whatever, I still <3 this hoop inspired shirt.)

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